Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Posted by 誇りに思う王子 at 6:08 PM 0 comments
nothing very special actually, just the prince thinks that it's worth to share with u guys bout this, Lady Gaga, the prince found her really an amazing and inspiring artist, in terms of her music, in terms of her concept, in terms of her creativity in her fashion, and simply everything, she's a real artist.
the prince'd like to share with u all this song of her, bad romance, from her second album, The Fame Monster, below is the mv, most ppl cant accept it and they think that this is PORN! but pls pLS PLS the prince begs u all, dun treat her as porn as this song and the mv actually has a deep meaning within
actually from the mv, she plays a sex slave that is bid by rich men. but this song, this mv actually means that her desire, her crave to enter the entertainment industry although she knows that the industry is ugly, full of disease, full of back-side-work and is simply dark. she cant resist the joy, the satisfaction brought by fame and she states that she couldnt live without fame in her recent interview. just watch the mv carefully and repeat it again and again, you might understand it! if u just watch this mv from its surface, then sure it is porn for u, but if u venture deeper into this mv, it actually plays the the role of the whole music industry
the 'u' in the lyrics mean the music industry, and gaga wants to have a bad romance with the 'u', means that she wants to be in the industry so much. well, the prince couldnt explain the song words by words, scene by scene, but juz watch it carefully, this mv is actually a very meaningful one and it simply symbolizes the whole music industry and its dark side!
lady gaga is one of the stars that rises to fame in a really short time, undeniably, she is simply the music icon of 2009 and really gives a hard blow to the whole world that 'music can be, and should be done like this!'
anyone finds this interesting and would like the prince to share with u the meaning, juz look for me! hope u all enjoy this!
Posted by 誇りに思う王子 at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
就从今早说起吧!早上起身的时候,阳光很和煦,暖暖的照进房里来,昨夜一夜无梦地睡到自然醒,已经是近期内繁忙生活中一种近乎奢求的享受,心里还天真地想着,应该是快乐的一天。伸展了一下双手,骨节发出‘客啦客啦’的声音,很舒服。接着便传了个简讯给小薇,告诉她想搭顺风车。然后就跑下楼,想看看今天要交的功课是否依然安好。不看还好,一看就让人火大,昨晚明明牢牢地贴在黑色纸板上的照片竟然全都‘脱了轨’,一团乱的你叠我我叠你,当下马上有一种‘怎么会这样’的想法,马上进行抢救,可照片后面都贴了双面胶,造成几乎所有照片都绞成了一团,用力一撕,照片全都完了!幸好还有三张没有受到伤害!可有人还在说风凉话,这是给你一个不把东西放好的教训!还说什么风扇吹乱了~~~~~一大早就听见这么好笑的笑话多快乐啊~~~~~~ 然后马上再发个简讯告诉小薇我自个儿去学校。当下马上雷速盥洗,换好衣服,拿了U盘,抓了车钥匙,马上火速赶往最近的洗相店,无奈店里的人却说需要等半个小时,搞什么???我才那区区三张照片,而我现在时间宝贵,哪来个美国半小时来和你耗?当机立断马上和女店员说‘不要了’,看得出女店员脸上有一种‘鱼跑了’的表情。接着就赶往city mall,开着车时,心里不断祈求洗相店开了,脚下的油门越踩越用力,看着油标针从60呼啸而上到了100,路上割过了一辆又一辆的汽车,心里越来越乱,脑子越来越空白,只想马上赶到目的地。到了那里,无视泊车场的方向箭嘴所指示的方向,我管不了那么多,只想马上洗好照片,逆行找到了泊车位。下了车,身体就任由双脚带到了洗相店,就在心脏快要蹦出来的同时,映入眼帘的是刚开始营业的洗相店,不由得大喜,冲洗好了照片后,又火速赶回家,因为别人要使用车辆,一路上还闯了好几个红灯,幸好没有临检,感谢天感谢地。
好不容易等到了课室里只剩下几个人的时候,我才把照片交上,当心里正想着照片终于交了,脚步就想走开的同时,冷不防某人迎头劈来一句‘喂,东西不是静悄悄放了就能走人的’。我当下立刻火大了,干嘛???你是今天还没骂人所以不爽吗????这也就算了,我不跟你计,可他接下来说的谬论可就离谱了。某人看了一看我的照片,马上开始了他引以为傲的绝技--数落别人。抱歉我不是超记忆不能把他的每一字每一句记下来,不过内容大致上是这样,而他每一字每一句也实在是有够过分的。他先是好奇我怎么又换了题目,我就告诉他说我觉得这些照片比较有力,所以就换回原本的题目。他又说拍摄影不是说换就换的,就好像当你告诉顾客你会给他们A,可最后你却给了他们B,还说什么我每一次都保证会做好给他看结果又是这种东西,就好像我每一次都给他希望可最后却又给了他绝望,这什么鬼话???我什么时候向你保证了?????我知道我的摄影题目让你有期望可谁叫你对我有期望了?????不好意思啊!我只知道把自己最强的东西交上是我的职责。而且他字字句句中也带有‘你完全没有用心去拍’的意思,最直接的例子是他说公主的照片还有进步空间,可她拍得非常用心,所以他会给她很高的分数。[不用心]这三个字对我来说是何其大的污辱!我不管做什么事情都很用心,事事都要求做到最好,我不懂你们任同还是不认同,你们不认同也没关系,每一张照片,每一样功课,每一件服装,每一个学生,每一本作品,每一次演出,每一件事情,不管是大是小,我都对自己有要求,都尽力做到最好,都尽量给自己给别人一个合理的交代。你一句不用心就想否定我过去所付出的努力,是不是对我有欠公平了????虽然你没有说出口,但用下巴想都知道你想传达的意思。真好笑啊,在建山为了摄影功课而差点丢了条小命的人居然会被说成做功课不用心,这点我又不得不称赞你的幽默。而且你还竟敢在我面前和我评论服装,还说什么‘你和家长说裙子要这么做,可最后你发觉你做不到,就随便做另一样东西应付别人’,我当下还顶了你说我不曾遇过这样的问题,我可是只是设计并不参与缝纫的设计师,你少在我面前装成一副很懂得服装的窝囊相,而且请问我的功课看起来像是在应付你吗?????你这话说得有多过分你知不??????要是我是在应付你,我就不会在功课被你档了一次后再重做了!对,过后你确实是告诉了我你要看到的照片是什么,是蚂蚁在爬,那努力的声音,初生的小鸟在巢里叽叽叫的声音,对,你的构思,你的主意很好,我不否认,可我的题目是voice of the nature,这题目那么广,你怎能一句话就框住我拍照的构思?虫子,蜗牛,幼鸟,那是你对于我的题目的切入点,可我的切入点,我的构思是大自然宁静的声音,花朵萌芽的声音,两朵花在说悄悄话的声音,青苔往上爬的声音,雨后大自然一片清新的声音,我的照片跑的是感觉路线,你说你在我的照片中听不见任何的声音,那就怪了,既然蚂蚁努力的声音都被你听见了,那你为什么听不见我的照片中的声音?还是我的植物不会发出声音所以你听不见????恕我直言,那就代表你的艺术造诣不到家了。而且你还说了,你已经把你的构思告诉了我,除非我没有在听,然后过分的是,你完全没有给我任何辩驳的机会就说,‘反正我也习惯别人把我的话当耳边风’,这句话很恶心你知道吗??你对于我的题目的理解是在虫子蜗牛幼鸟,我对于我的题目的理解是在大自然的感觉,我没有跟着你的意思去摄影,我有我自己的理解,有我自己的构思,有我自己的权力决定我要摄影的东西,你凭什么说我把你的话当耳边风????就凭我没有跟着你的意思去摄影???要是是这样,那拜托你学期开始的第一天就告诉全班的同学‘你们摄影一定要100%跟着我说的去做,不然你们全都不及格’那样就好了啊!不要让我们自由发挥嘛,你那么能霸,所有人做出来的东西和你一模一样,所有人都有你那作呕的影子,所有人都贴上你的标签,那正合你心意吧????我不想和你拗,也不想在朋友面前让你无地自容,更不想和你这种低级生物有任何的冲突,所以刚才我选择忍气吞声。
photography final assignment: voice of the nature
p/s ~ 感谢当时在场的朋友们在我被别人的圣经谬论连环攻击下保持沉默,由衷感谢啊~~~~~~
Posted by 誇りに思う王子 at 2:41 AM 3 comments
Saturday, December 5, 2009
photography assignments(models and couples)
uploading some photography assignments, no photoshop~~~~~~~~~ this is the prince's first time ever outdoor shooting, this model's name's shaneal, hope the prince's not mistaken~~~~~~ pics r taken at tanjung aru
third pic, the prince really likes this a lot coz the contrasts' powerful
the prince also likes this second pic quite a lot, there is a lot of feel here~~~~~~ haha
this is the prince's second outdoor shooting, model: gordon, venue: waterfront, the sky that day sux
first pic, which is also the pic that the prince loves the most, others r only so so
nice posing and bottom-to-up angle
actually there was no wind at all on that day~~~~~ it's actually some guy went to pick up her scarf, then he counted out' one....... two........ three......!!!' then he let go of the scarf and it fell down naturally and there comes the wind~~~~~ haha~~~~~ stupid but effective way for setting up fake wind~~~~~~~
Posted by 誇りに思う王子 at 6:40 AM 0 comments
photography last but not final assignment
the prince likes this assignment quite a lot, although it's not perfect for him, still he likes it, this is the one-day-diary of the prince's teddy bear,
last pic, sleeping time, with a bed time story
actually the prince missed out a lot of pictures for a one-day-diary photoset due to the insufficiency of time, initially he wanted to take tea-time, shower time, and also brushing teeth, but too bad, we can only pass up six pic for this photoset~~~~~~ anyway, this is one the prince's photography assignments, hope u all enjoyed it~~~~~~~
Posted by 誇りに思う王子 at 4:37 AM 2 comments
Friday, December 4, 2009
final assignments~~~~~
weee~~~~~~ the prince's back!!!! sorry for abandoning my blog for such a long period!!! 've been living a crazy, non-human, hell-like life for the final assignments period! anyway, everything's over! OVER I SAY for now!!!!!!!
third page's the detail, the hands, the stomach, the force field system and also the leg part
din know the marks so the prince hopes that the mark wont be too shabby, but mr.lo did praise the prince's presentation skill though, yeah~~~~~
and now comes the character design final assignment, the title of it is a family of five persons, we have to do a family but it is not necessarily consists of father, mother, son, daughter o wat, we may do a family of father, mother, sons, daughter and also a pet! or an orphan family of children, sons o daughters o any combination we like, as long as there is something that is visually visible that bonds the members together
so the prince's done a soceress family, consists of four sisters and pet cat, concept comes from the four symbols of the poker cards, the spade, heart, club, and diamond, so the prince named them the poker sister, and the costume direction is a fusion of gothic and fantasy, enjoy!
first page, the big sister, spada of the spade
second page, the second sister, heartina of the heart
third page, third sister, clubbie of the club
fourth page, fourth sister, diame of the diamond
and the last member, the magical pet cat, cheshire
and LAST, a big credit and thanx to AH PENG AND KEONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanx to ah peng coz the prince went to his home to do scanning on 2 am morning on the day of presentation!!!!!!! lots of thanks peng!!!!!! and keong!!!!! cz he helped the prince to trace and done some photoshopping work!!!!!!! if not the prince cant make it on time!!!!!!!!!! really thnax to the both of u!!!!!!!!!!
and about the other subjects, marker rendering, 3d max, photography, the prince din find the necessity to show it to u guys~~~~~~~ marker rendering, a two hour class test, the prince's scored 18 out of 20!!!! yeah~~~~~ 3d max, done a handphone and din know the marks, photography sux~~~~~~~~
alright, that's all for now! will upload more next time~~~~~~~~
Posted by 誇りに思う王子 at 11:55 PM 0 comments