Friday, March 13, 2009

All About The Prince


Name: (hey!!!! u wont log in to someone's blog if u dun even noe him??? will ya???) anyway, (ah yuen) is wat the prince's so-called-friends call him by now

Age: 20(09) does the prince look lik he's 20??

Hobby: singing, photoshop-ing, u-tub-ing, u name it

wat else does the prince hv to introduce?? he's beginning to get impatient from it!!!

anyway, let the prince do his SPEECH firz........

"erhemhem...... attention to all my citizens.... sob sob, finally the prince's got his own blog after seeing more n more of his friends hv their own~~ anyway, now that u r in the prince's blog, the prince hereby commands u all to abide all the rules below

1, feel free to leave comment to let the prince know that u've been visiting

2, basically, the prince doesn't mind nasty comments but bad words r STRICTLY NOT allowed in the prince's blog, only he can use them

3, hv fun....... to be my servant

4, u r automatically the prince's servant at the first time u log in to the prince's blog, nice promotion isn't it?

5, abide all the rules above or u will b sentenced to GUILLOTINE

that's all, thank you for ur attention, thank you thank you~~~~~~~