nothing special, juz wanna tell u all readers about some of the prince's NEW assignments~~~~
class assignment~~~~~~~~~
during today's modelling basic class, mr.lo asked us to design a spaceship, not for war purpose, for transport purpose, by using a hair dryer~~~~ which means ur concept of design is based on hair dryers~~~~~ lol~~~~ so we all drew our own, fortunately, we all FAILED~~~~~ HAHA
hohoho~~~~ this is da ppeerriinnnssseee's design~~~~ AK 3009 Disney the prince named it~~~ haha~~~ stupid name~~~~
but mr.lo said that the prince's design lived on this a lot~~~~~ which comes from the note that he gave us!!!! BINGO~~~~~ mr.lo got it~~~~~ the prince did copy the concept a bit, but the others he did them all by himself~~~~~ be proud be proud~~~~~
marker rendering assignment~~~ draw this ps3~~~~
done by the prince, the prince didnt use lightbox to trace it, so it's seriously out of shape LOL~~~~
that's all for now~~~ will upload more
the ps3 so beautiful oh...teach me
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