Saturday, May 9, 2009


You might ask why? Insomnia? Isn't it something that is ONLY happening to old people????

The prince will prove you WRONG!!!!!!

Result will be coming out on the next week and the prince knows that he had screwed up in almost all subjects

Typography? Miss tsen didn't say any VERY positive comments

Pagemaker? Ah Lim was too hard to capture what he was thinking!(COMPLICATED MIND)..... So didn't even know whether the prince met his requirement in the final assignment

Photoshop? Nah...... even Mr.Oliver pointed out that the prince's poster wasn't as strong as the other people's(typo messed the whole thing up), the only point that grabbed some extra marks were ONLY the effects in the poster! And the prince also screwed up some early assignments

Graphic design? corporate identity also didin't work to its fullest effect! the prince also did bad in his early brochure assignment, oh great and it ate up 30% of the average mark!

Colour study? miserable work, late submission and totally 0 marks for presentation! the prince wasn't in condition during that day! mayb lack of sleep the night before, so during that morning, vomit vomit and still vomit till Mr.lo couldn't stand it! but thanked god and Mr.lo for giving the prince a chance to submit it!

Sketching? Need not the prince to clarify, it's impossible to get an 'A' in sketching! that's the tradition! and the prince had also done bad enough in his final assignment!(a piece of colour sketching of sarah brightman)

So sum up the whole thing?? equals to insomnia for some nights

Anyway, will be uploading those final assignments! and they will be the third wave!

Hope these kind of things won't be happening in the next sem! which is the LAN sem!


天蝎王子 Leo said...

don worry lar, u sure wil enjoy yurself durin d mid term :p